Теперь я мама. Теперь я всегда с тобой. Теперь я не сплю, не ем и не дышу...так, как я это делала раньше. Теперь мои мысли только о ТЕБЕ. Теперь 24 часа в сутки я ношу, нагибаюсь, сюсюкаю, кормлю, мою, убираю, мечтаю, радуюсь и волнуюсь. Порой мне кажется, что я больше не выдержу спать в невыносимых позах и ...


    -When I have you -happy and healthy -when I run through the cold streets to you -and snow melts on my lips still hot from kissing you -upon leaving you I already start missing you -when I open the door and see your sparkling eyes -and the sweetest smile I have ever seen -when I hold you in my arms -and melt from ...


This weird feeling of longing and discontent is always approaching me unexpectedly, like a strange planet, orbiting around me on its lone ellipse of gravity. It approaches me always when I am at my happiest, my warmest, my most unprotected. It comes slowly from my back, starting its slide-show while taking my clothes off one by ...


Неужели- это ТА ЛЮБОВЬ? Когда вместе, как после бокала вина-другая реальность. Без вопросов. Потому что все ясно. Kак в небе. Когда ответы-это просто облака. Без границ. Неужели- это ТА? Когда просто смотришь вверх, ни о чем не думая? Когда доверяешь жизни, как в теплом море? Пропуская ее в кожу, как волны-одну за одной. В блаженстве. Засыпая. Неужели? Не утонуть бы...  


There was once a divine painting, which showed subtle differences between real beauty and surfaced impressions, between tenderness and weakness, between love and habit, between lust and true passion, between bodies and hearts. That made human feelings clear and understandable, the most powerful emotions managed and enjoyed and LIFE itself eventually sensible.This painting was so ...


I feel like a new born flower with a powerful center full of LIGHT. This center is growing with every day more and more, and the light is shining through the tender petals so strongly, that they start to open slowly. Every day more and more- getting more mature in their meaning, turning into something of ...


I once had a friend named Gosha. He lived on our balcony with one leg bound to the railing. Most of the time he walked around with his other leg thinking much of himself, but every time I brought him a handful of large corn, he got very excited and unimportantly humble. He was generally ...


My first time I learnt about unconventional love was at the age of seven after my mom threw a little kitten out of the house. I found him on the stairs on my way to school. My dad was next to me that morning, so we brought him back home in my dad's brown hat. ...


Every time my granddad was killing a chicken, I was hiding under my bed. After its headless body stopped running around the bloody yard I would go to the garbage bin, picked up its head and tried to fix it back on. That was the first time I learnt about God. I realized that I wasn’t one.