— in order to have a strong and harmonious bond that is efficient and glowing directing its energy towards healing the world and not merely towards self-preservation, one needs to constantly and instantly grow! Spiritually, intellectually, morally and physically evolve! Again and again! Every day, minute, moment. True intimacy is about care and trust. It’s ...
Every shadow —
--- is produced by light. There is just someone or something standing in between. And guess what? This someone is you! Conquering your shadow is the same as conquering your light. They are inseparable. Don’t deny your phenomenal presence from any side. Just try to shift the light from outside to the inside. And see ...
If we are —
--- to conquer ourselves, win over our so-called shadow, then we are at the same time on the path of losing ourselves. If there is a winner, there is also a loser. In this case you are both. We should not conquer ourselves but we should love ourselves. We should accept our flaws and embrace ...
Love is —
--- like Nature. It has its own agenda. It is neither wrong nor right. Everything has its meaning. Some flowers will die. Some will survive. Sometimes events are unexpected like a sudden snow on freshly opened flowers. These trembling buds remind me of broken hearts. They don’t understand what’s happening. They suffer. But nevertheless, they ...
For fighting couples —
- out there or family members, work partners, or those, who face an interpersonal transition reformatting their feelings... remember this simple Truth: “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” Viktor E. Frankl said that. And he knew ...
The most precious gifts —
--- are people, who will be there for you regardless. Regardless of your mood, health, believes, possessions, bank account statements, weirdness, selfishness, unreasonable judgements, losses, unrealistic dreams, mistakes, achievements, friends, blessings, failures, talents, demons...Those, who will put you first when they recognize you really need it. And those ones always recognize it. Those, who forgive you ...
Once experienced – LOVE —
—— can never be downshifted, but only upgraded. To bigger depth. To wider spectrum. To more warmth. More consciousness. More generosity. More intimacy. More tolerance. More forgiveness. More respect. More attention. More care. More Love. It’s a natural process. All things in this Universe are in constant motion. Everything must evolve. Also LOVE. ©️Dalia Lane
Fulfilling your dreams —
—- cannot be effortless but it can be struggle-less(struggle free). If you direct your attention to the outside acceptance you will face a lot of disappointment and pain. But realizing your inner calling as the main incentive and moving force in whatever you do, will give you strength and make all the efforts worthwhile and ...
Tonight is the longest night-
Look up- Pour in some healing moonlight- Drink it sip by sip- Ray by ray- Rinse your heart- Till you see your longest day— ©️ Dalia Lane
In advanced societies of the future —
-there will be no religions. For no intermediaries are needed between humans and Divinity. There will be only seekers that teach by their own example. Seekers that demonstrate the holy ascension from takers to givers. In advanced societies there will be only one religion: LOVE. ©️ Dalia Lane Artwork: "Life" by Andrey Panfilov
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