I know, my darling, that you believe in Joy- Throwing your trembling kites to universal space- I know that you believe- In laughing in the moment- And nowhere else. I know, my darling, that you believe in Love- The one that never grows at your expense- I know that you believe- In crying in the moment- And nowhere else. I know, my darling, that you ...
She is a precious stone- Lost on a dirty road- Dropped- Like a silent tear- By a careless angel- Tear of pain- Tear of hope- She rolls- Shining through dust- Smiling at the hopeless world- Still full of LOVE- Still full of magic---
3 minutes of LOVE—
3 weeks of spring rains, Of Aprils and Mays our years are made- 3 days fly too soon, 3 kisses too few, 3 words through the glass are still due- 3 minutes of LOVE, Like lifetimes for some, Each kiss is a poem itself- 3 hundred goodbyes, For too many nights, Times 3 thousand sighs in the end- 3 weekends too much, 3 hours too long, To hold ...
In his closing eyes black birds are screaming- His fading breath is on my lips and on my palms- They touch his face and tremble- Because we are disappearing- Into a place where universe explodes- Into our broken hearts. In his closing eyes I see one last and little heaven- In which my face is fading while I am crumbling down- Like all ...
Half-opened mind- With eyes half-closed- Learns how to reason echoes- Scratching them out- In its lonely corner- On the wall-- Half-broken heart- it is half-full- With magic patchworks of my soul- That learns how to crawl- Through rain- Through storm-- It hides half-broken wings- With only question that is numb: Why's life so cunning- That in suffering we rise? But why in LOVE we fall?
There was once a divine painting, which showed subtle differences between real beauty and surfaced impressions, between tenderness and weakness, between love and habit, between lust and true passion, between bodies and hearts. That made human feelings clear and understandable, the most powerful emotions managed and enjoyed and LIFE itself eventually sensible.This painting was so ...
Empty shadows of love- Cry in your palace of gold- Tender tears- They shine on your robes- With desperate diamonds- Desperate passions. Fire torches line up- In your gardens of love- They play games with your heart- But your bedroom’s so cold- But your bedroom’s so mad- While your destiny showers caresses- On the fortunate lovers, fortunate strangers- But you are, as always- -alone- So alone-------
My first time I learnt about unconventional love was at the age of seven after my mom threw a little kitten out of the house. I found him on the stairs on my way to school. My dad was next to me that morning, so we brought him back home in my dad's brown hat. ...
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