—- for children one has to see magic everywhere—
An initial flow —
— of energy between two people that is not yet disrupted by disillusionment is one of the most powerful forces of the Universe— ©️Dalia Lane
Life is a coin—
Only you decide its worth. Only you choose what side to see. I prefer to see my life as a rim of a coin in its sacred dance of polarities. ©️ Dalia Lane [video width="480" height="512" mp4="http://dalialane.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/3C722C3B-8CC8-4AB5-8D06-39E535FC1555.mp4"]
If it doesn’t serve you—
— grow you or gives you joy - let it go! ©️Dalia Lane 2B04AC4C-8029-47BB-9531-6EFB60C6299E
Always remember—
—— that your inner child is always innocent — ©️ Dalia Lane
When I am with you—
Inside is- ART--- ©️ Dalia Lane [video width="480" height="270" mp4="http://dalialane.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/1A802AD9-A5F6-4741-9E26-6B187D0D71D3.mp4"]
There is—
–infinite inspiration in Hope—- ©️Dalia Lane [video width="640" height="360" mp4="http://dalialane.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/F97F42B6-3779-4A43-9CA5-D0154195AFF9.mp4"]
I guess —
—the ultimate ART of Life is a BALANCE between: “I am enough” and “I can be more”. Growing every day while knowing your unconditional worth is a key to success and happiness. ©️ Dalia Lane
—никогда не даётся даром. Ее не воспринимают как должное. Ее нужно неустанно создавать. Каждый день. Вновь и вновь. Любовь - это цветок, который нужно взращивать каждый момент. Дарить воду и свет. Заботиться. Иначе он погибнет— ©️ Dalia Lane
Ищите СВОИХ в ощущениях ИСТИННОСТИ—
© Dalia Lane
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