Love and create—

---in such a way- That your lovers and critics- Feel free- Feelings of truth- Are not owned by anyone- They belong neither to me- There is an impalpable undercurrent - Beneath each word- Behind each deed- In its purest form- To its highest degree- It is an intention to be- Free--- © Dalia Lane


We lose slowly- Bit by bit- They ache for years- Adapting to the pain- But withering nevertheless— Some petals- We lose fast- The brutal storms- Just rip them off- Carrying the pieces of our souls- With them forever— In both cases- The joints where those petals- Were once alive- Are bruised- And scarred- As they may bleed for years- Too sensitive to lies- Too numb to truth- Too insecure about everything at ...


— those little lights full of HOPE- We are all those little hearts full of LOVE- We are all in search of one big TRUTH- And having found it - we all become ONE --- © Dalia Lane


by Ліна Костенко Translated from Ukrainian by Dalia Lane Their villages were burned- Their horses ran away- They're going to exile- To such a distant land-- For children to remember- Their songs and their tales- Their women draw some letters- In the sand-- But wind, wind, wind! It's such a cruel wind! It's cutting their faces- Turning black-- They try to draw some words- From letters in the sand- But words ...


Under the sparkling sun- One year-dreams to savour- And to groan- One year to wake up- One year to calm down- And to get drowned in wrecks of foam- And to be thrown on sands of life- Again--- © Dalia Lane


Капля за каплей- Окно за окном- По циферблату- Медленно- К Богу- Сползает- Душа- На поклон- Камнем- В тихую воду- Последним Лучом- Издаёт- Невесомый- Стон--- © Dalia Lane


Сквозь города и страны- Прижимаясь лбом- К глубинам окна- Как эхо ракушки- Я дышу только НАМИ- Я дышу океаном без дна— © Dalia Lane